When we hear the word “design” we tend to think of the unique creative role of one person in creating beautiful things. However, UX design recognizes that aesthetic design does not always provide an easy-to-use interface. Behind the successful experience is the special attention paid to understanding what users think. Perceive and act as they go on a journey.
And a good user survey combined with an understanding of the basic rules is the key to becoming a good UX designer.

A better understanding of what drives users to do what they are doing. UX designers often rely on a set of well-known psychological rules or standards to make design choices. This article focuses on five key laws that can help you improve your design skills and provide a compelling experience for your users.

1. Parkinson’s Law

Fundamental Law of UX - Parkinson Laws
heysalsal – Parkinson’s Law

Parkinson’s Law states that work will continue to expand to fill the time available for completion.
Everyone continues on duty until the allotted time expires.

UX designers can apply it to create a more efficient interface that helps users get their work done in a timely manner. For example, if you are designing an e-commerce website, you can automatically enter customer data during the checkout process. It saves your time.

2. Hick Law

Fundamental Law of UX - Hick Law

It seems that there are many users these days. That’s why understanding Hick’s Law is so important to UX design. According to Hick’s Law, users spend a lot of time making decisions based on the number and complexity of choices.

The more options we offer to our users, the longer it takes for them to make decisions. Remember the last time you visited a streaming platform and tried to find a movie to watch. With so many choices, it can take longer to find than watching a movie. To successfully implement Hick’s Law in your
the project,

Try the following tips.

  • Divide a long process into phases. Each step requires a clear goal for the user to follow.
  • Classify options to make them easier to find and identify.
    • Use the continuous disclosure feature to reveal additional information as needed.

3. Fitts Law

Fundamental Law of UX - Fitts's Law,
Hukum Fitts’s pada UI/UX desain

Based on the Fitts Law, UX designers can begin to predict human behavior and movements. According to Fitts’ law, “the time to hit the target is a function of the distance and size of the target.

Fast movements + small targets result in more errors.

Using the Fitts Act as a basis, UX designers can help reduce human error, increase user productivity, increase safety, and ultimately increase user satisfaction.

Therefore, the UX designer should make the target large enough (the target should adhere to the target size of x CSS pixels) and leave enough space to reduce errors. User interface designers may need to consider how this applies to an element when it is touched physically or virtually, using a finger or a pointing device

4. Jacob’s Law

Fundamental Law of UX -  Jakob's Law
Heysalsal – Jakob’s Law

Jacob’s law was invented by Jacob Nielsen, director of the Nielsen Norman Group. Users spend their time on other websites and apps, so they expect those sites and apps to work the same way.

People spend most of their time on other websites, so expect your site to behave like any other website you’ve visited before.

With this in mind, designers should focus on using patterns and rules that users are already familiar with. It’s in areas like workflow, page navigation, structure and placement of common elements. This prevents users from being overwhelmed as they learn new paradigms and spiritual processes and instead allows them to continue interacting with the interface.

A good example is designing a page with a search bar. Familiar users will see a search bar at the top of the page, often with a magnifying glass icon.

If the designer decides to move the search bar to a completely new location on the page, it can confuse the user. If they want to keep using your site, they need to spend more time relearning where the search bar is.

5. Miller’s Law

Fundamental Law of UX - Miller's Law
Heysalsal – Miller’s Law

Miller’s Law was developed by George A. Miller, an American psychologist, one of the founders of cognitive psychology, and the average person has seven factors (plus or minus 2) that can be met. Work. memory.

Humans can only remember seven pieces of information at a time. More than that, they can be overwhelmed.

To avoid this overhead, UX designers can focus on breaking down or grouping information based on relevant functionality to make it more consistent and memorable.

as you know Ideas are often grouped in this way in everyday life.

for example, related to music and 90s shoes. When the shoes are grouped together this way, the brain is more likely to record shorter-term memory.

The phone number also is a good example of how blocks can help.

A long string of numbers with no spaces or punctuation makes it difficult for the user to remember each number. However, by grouping the numbers, the user will see them in three groups instead of the 11 different numbers to remember. When applied to UX design, designers can use Miller’s Law to work on creating submission forms in different ways.

Grouping information by type allows users to fill out forms quickly and reduce the hassle of the process. In addition, the form can automatically create spaces such as phone numbers and credit card numbers to prevent users from being confused.

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These essential laws provide general guidelines to help UX designers in the design process and are essential for developing better user experiences.,

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